Roll Off Trailer Operations Training

BENLEE Now Offers Training Services

For more information about our new Operations and Safety Training Programs, please contact Brian Lucas: (734) 476-0042,

Some training options include:

  • Hands-on, onsite trailer demonstration
  • Operations presentation and exam
  • Service, maintenance, and optimal care consultation

BENLEE has a continuous commitment to safety. We aim to provide the most comprehensive operations and safety training possible. Safety in running Roll off Trailers is critical. Scrap Metal, Waste and Environmental Industries are important to how our country operates. Roll off trailers can be operated very safely if operators are trained. They can also be very dangerous. A key is to know what is around you, especially power lines. Raising a hoist into a power line can be cause death. Also driving with a hoist up, sounds strange, but drivers do it. It can cause death and should never be done.

Be Trained, be Safe. Call Greg see above, or call us at 734-722-8100 with questions or help.